Tekmovalni cilji
Trening kampi
- TK JV, 16. - 18. februar
- TK Kras - 23. - 25. februar
- TK Prekmurje - 26. - 28. april
- TK Obala - 31. oktober - 3. november
Testiranja 3000m
- skupaj z mladinsko reprezentanco
Doping v orientaciji?
Veliko je govora o dopingu zadnje dni, ko je Lance končno povedal, kakšna je resnica v kolesarstvu. Vsem nam je jasno, da obstajajo športi, kjer ni rezultata brez dopinga, kjer je - kakor je rekel Lance - vzeti EPO kot si natočiti bidonček. Še kako se strinjam z njim. Celo zagovarjam legalizacijo dopinga v teh "športih" (oz. poslih). Vrhunski trening v večini športov ni zdrav, je torej škodljiv. Uporaba dopinga je mogoče v tem oziru celo manjše zlo. Pa vrhunskega profesionalnega treninga nihče ne prepoveduje ... In, konec koncev ne gre za šport, ne gre za radost in veselje, ko športnik dirja skozi prostrane gozdove in bele strmine, ampak gre za posel, kjer sta glavna motiva slava in denar ... No, in seveda interesi sponzorjev ...
No, bolj zanimivo je pa tole ...
Sudden Deaths in Swedish Orienteers
A spate of deaths in orienteers paralleled the cycling deaths. Suddenly, among young, elite orienteers (but in no other Swedish sports), the death rate spiked to 1% a year for 3 years in a row. From 1989 to 1992, seven elite-level orienteers, all from the same small area of central Sweden, died during or after competitions or training. They knew one another and occasionally trained together. All performed very well shortly before they died; some placed near the top in national competitions. The last, Melker Karlsson, 24, was a rising star who died after a training run and sauna. His death was the final straw that led to a meeting of Swedish health experts to probe potential causes and solutions. As in the cyclists, the deaths were considered “cardiac,” and a popular hypothesis was a transmissible myocarditis, ascribed first to Chlamydia and then to Bartonella (9). Their supporting evidence, however, is not compelling and does not dissuade skeptics, including me, from speculating that a culprit in this spate of sudden deaths in top Swedish orienteers was abuse of rEPO.
Je orientacija res čist šport?