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BILTEN 2 - DP Sprint
četrtek, 30. 5. 2024
Pozdravljeni, Bilten s podrobnejšimi informacijami za DP Sprint je objavljen na sledeči povezavi: https://drive...

Bilten SDP štafete, Vavta vas
ponedeljek, 13. 5. 2024
Bilten za DP štafete je objavljen na tej povezavi...


Mednarodna orientacijska zveza Olimpijski komite Slovenije - Združenje športnih Zvez Fundacija za šport Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport
Domov / English


Dear international visitors!

Slovenia is one of the most popular orienteering countries. It offers endless opportunities of training on really difficult technical terrains. Nowhere in the world one can find such a unique mixture of karst, continental terrains, alpine karst and majority of the land covered with friendly green forests.

Although Slovenians are considered to be as kind as possible, we have to dissapoint you, since our small federation is not up to maintaining another parallel portal in English.

The most we can provide is - to give you tools to be able to browse our pages by yourself.

Thank you for browsing around and hope to meet you on some of our famous terrains! 

Little Slovene-English orienteering dictionary 

  • orientacija - orienteering
  • orientacijski tek (OT) - foot orienteering
  • orientacija z gorskimi kolesi - MTB-O
  • Pre-O - Trail-O
  • smučarska orientacija - Ski-O
  • šolski orientacijski tek - School Orienteering (Swiss moodel sCOOL)
  • koledar tekem in treningov - calendar of competitions and trainings
  • SOL in DP - Slovenian Orienteering League and National Championships
  • rezultati - results
  • vmesni časi - split times
  • zveza - federation
  • karte - maps
  • reprezentanca - national selection
  • izvšrni odbor - executive comittee
  • klubi - clubs
  • evidenca kart - register of maps

For reading invitations 

  • razpis - invitation
  • srednja - middle
  • dolga - long
  • štafeta - relay
  • organizator - organiser
  • kraj - place
  • datum - date
  • prvi štart - first start
  • štartnina - entry fee
  • zbirališče - meeting point
  • kategorije - categories
  • prijave - entries

Some non-orienteering terms helping you browse the pages 

  • več informacij - more information
  • izpostavljeno - exposed
  • kontakt - contact
  • oglaševanje - advertising
  • shema strani - sitemap
  • povezave - links
Vabljeni na orientacijski tabor. 
26. - 30. 6. 2024, Tabor Mojca, Dolenjske Toplice
Prijave (do 20. 5., omejeno število mest).